

The story behind the Christmas tree on Camelback


If you hiked Camelback recently, you probably noticed something a little different at the top--a decorated Christmas tree.

Groups have been hiking up the mountain in recent weeks with trees in tow, setting them up and then putting on the decorations.

Joe Gullion, Dan Crane and Christine Abraham were the first this year to bring up a tree. The group hiked the mountain at night so it would be a surprise for hikers in the morning.

It's an artificial tree so they brought it up in two pieces, which took about an hour.

Their goal: to spread a little holiday cheer.

"When you think about the things that have happened over Christmas for you, you don't necessarily remember the gifts, but you definitely remember sitting around a Christmas tree with family and friends, just the memories that are kind of created with that," said Gullion. "We just wanted to do something nice."

The group plans to hike back up the mountain at the end of Christmas to bring the tree down. Since then, three more trees have been added to the bunch by other hikers.