The Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center needs your help building its animal ambassador's new home.
The facility is moving to a new location and Hunter, the center's 8-year-old bobcat, is in desperate need of funds to finish his new enclosure.
"We have really pinched every penny we possibly can," said Heather Buck, the Wildlife Center Coordinator for Arizona's Department of Game and Fish. "We don't get state funds; we get all of our money through public donation and lottery tickets."
Hunter came to the center at just 3 weeks old after he was orphaned by his mother. He could never be released back into the wild after his rescue.
Tammy Himes, his handler, helps train him so he can be a teacher for the public.
"Most people don't get to see a bobcat up close and personal, so when we take him out on education programs, it's an opportunity for them to see things we talk about like the white spots on his ears, his tail, his coloring," Himes said.
Himes and Buck hope the public will step up and offer donations so they can finish Hunter's new home. They even started aGoFundMe account to help raise funds.
If you'd like to meet Hunter, you can catch him at the Arizona Game and Fish Department's Outdoor Expo on March 24 and 25. The free event starts at 9 a.m. and will take place at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility at 4044 W. Black Canyon Boulevard.