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Phoenix nurse recovering from COVID-19 is "lucky to be alive"

Posted 4:21 AM, Aug 07, 2020
and last updated 4:23 AM, Aug 07, 2020

PHOENIX — A Phoenix critical care nurse said she is lucky to be alive after battling COVID-19 for weeks. Jayne Most is still in the hospital recovering.

Most works as a house supervisor, which means she goes through all the units in her hospital. She said she got the virus at work. She was admitted to Mercy Gilbert Medical Center on June 25.

"Some people recover quickly, I was not lucky enough to be one of those people. I almost died a couple of times to get here," said Most with a smile on her face.

The 49-year-old was on a ventilator but didn't get better. She was transferred to St. Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix where she went on ECMO for a week. The machine removes blood from the body, pumps oxygen into the blood and then pumps it back into the body. It's used as a last resort.

"And during that, that's when they almost lost me a couple of times," said Most.

Most said she misses her family. She hasn't seen her husband or two kids since June.

"That's really hard."

She tested negative twice to get off the COVID unit. Now, she has to go through intensive rehab -- she lost 35 pounds and a lot of muscle.

"I need to be able to dress myself be able to get up with a walker and walk, I need to do a study to see whether or not I can eat again," said Most.

It's still a long road to recovery, but most said the love from fellow nurses, family, friends, and strangers has helped her keep going. She said the nurses and doctors at St. Joseph's had been incredible.

"Overwhelmed, grateful, I can't even express how lucky I feel. I feel very lucky to be alive."

Most hopes people don't let up---and urges everyone to wear masks, wash hands and social distance.

"Don't take it lightly. It's not a hoax, it's not a flu. It's a killer, and it tried to kill me from the inside out," she said.