

Phoenix students learn about citizenship at naturalization ceremony

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Betty Fairfax High School students watched as 98 immigrants from around the world took the oath of citizenship Monday at their campus.

This ceremony is part of an annual celebration of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. During this week, the United States will welcome more than 30,000 new citizens at more than 200 naturalization ceremonies.

Students at the school near 51st Avenue and Baseline Road were invited to watch the ceremony to better their understanding of the U.S. government and the Constitution.

To qualify for naturalization, a person must be at least 18 years old, have been a permanent resident for at least five years, and meet all other eligibility requirements.

Those requirements include a civics test.

Citizenship applicants are asked to answer about 10 questions off of a list of 100. The topics range from the rights outlined in the Declaration of Independence, to naming the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

In order to graduate high school, all Arizona students must also take and pass the same civics test.

State law passed by the legislature in 2015 requires students to score 60% or higher on a 100 multiple-choice question test in order to receive a diploma or a high school equivalency certificate.

Could you pass? Take the practice test below!