Nine months after a terrifying road rage incident, a Valley man is still seeking justice.
The man, who asked us not to release his identity, said he was riding near 67th Avenue and Greenway Road when he was shot at by the driver of a pick up truck.
The victim stated that driver had been harassing him for a while by not letting him pass, and when the biker was able to get past him, he heard a loud bang.
Being a competitive shooter, the victim stated he instantly knew he had been shot.
Another biker with him actually saw the flash and muzzle of the gun.
The victim notified Glendale police immediately. The gun hit the muffler of his motorcycle, inches away from his seat.
After identifying the driver through a police line up, the victim said it took 9 months after reporting the incident to finally hear back from the Maricopa County attorney's office.
The letter stated they were declining to prosecute the case due to lack of sufficient evidence.
ABC15 reached out to the prosecutors office to find out why they would not go forward with this case.
A spokesperson sent us this statement:
"After all of the information available was carefully considered, the reviewing attorney determined that the filing of a felony charge was not appropriate. We must be able to prove all elements of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt. If we are unable to do so, there is no reasonable likelihood of conviction at trial. For this reason, this submittal does not meet the charging standard for the Maricopa County Attorney's Office and we are declining prosecution at this time."
The victim of this crime said he was very disappointed with the legal system, and the prosecutors office.
"It's incredibly aggravating. It's concerning to me that the attorney's office doesn't keep public safety in mind. This person has no problem shooting at other people who pose zero threat to him. I was riding away from him when he shot at me. Now my question is what happens to the next person who makes him mad in traffic? He is a danger to this community. His decision making is obviously flawed. It would please me greatly to see him in prison," said the victim.
The prosecutor's office has offered to meet with him to farther discuss the case. That meeting is now in the process of being scheduled.