CHANDLER, AZ — A serial burglary suspect arrested last month has been arrested again following another string of crimes.
He is accused of burglarizing again just two weeks after his release.

Police say a string of burglaries occurred along Arizona Avenue between Pecos and Ocotillo roads from Nov. 26 to Dec. 1. Police were able to connect Payne to the incidents.
On Nov. 26, Payne reportedly entered a restaurant early in the morning, damaged cash registers, and stole money.
During the evening of Nov. 30, he is said to have damaged a restaurant window, damaged cash registers, and stole money.
On Dec. 1, he reportedly broke into a coffee shop but found no currency and within minutes, broke into a small grocery store to steal money.
Chandler Police say Payne was arrested Wednesday morning on several counts of third-degree burglary.