CHANDLER, AZ — There have been two accidents involving high school students walking in a crosswalk in front of Chandler High School in the past week.
Detective Seth Tyler says, “Children in high school are still children.”
On Monday, Chandler police held a pedestrian safety campaign. “When we are driving a car we have the most potential to cause harm to a pedestrian a bicyclist,” said Tyler.
With a population of over 3,000 at Chandler High School and an open campus — you can see the masses that cross Arizona Avenue during the day.
"I think the kids aren’t waiting long enough, like the proper time," says Wyatt Brown, a sophomore at Chandler High School.
“Even if you are paying attention the driver may not pay attention so it’s risky to get run over,” says Jennifer Delgadillo, a sophomore at the school.
All three girls involved in the recent accidents or out of the hospital and are okay, but it doesn’t hurt to get the message out there especially for drivers.
“ They [high schoolers ] may look like grownups but they are still children; along with their bodies being developed they may not be paying attention to cars in traffic and all of those things," said Tyler.