

Gilbert PD not charging teen who spit on cruiser

Posted 11:56 PM, Apr 21, 2016
and last updated 2:02 AM, Apr 22, 2016

Why would a young man spit on a police cruiser, then send the video to the department he offended?  

“He made the video then immediately tweeted it to the Gilbert Police Department,” said Gilbert Police Sgt. Jesse Sanger.

The video, posted Wednesday, showed the boy walking up to one of the department's SUVs and spitting a white substance on the back driver’s side window. You can see his reflection in the window.

Gilbert Police responded on their Twitter page with the teen’s photo and the video, thanking the teen for sending video of the evidence against him.  

The post by police set off a war of words among other Twitter users online, some praising the department for calling him out, others implying police should have better things to do.

“It was a two second response. We’re not going to use resources to track him down [for an arrest],” Sgt. Sanger said.

Gilbert resident Benito Garcia said the boy deserves to be charged.

“That is wrong what he did. Spitting for one thing and then defying authority like that,” he said.  “Even as a minor he should know better.”

Others are concerned the online attention will follow him later in life.

“This is going to come back to haunt this kid for a lot longer than one episode and that’s a shame,” J.C. Curtin from Chandler said.

The teen’s Twitter account has since been deleted.