Two different families, two different languages, two different faiths all coming together on Thanksgiving in Tempe.
Pad Kader cooked for five extra people because she's able to help a family who is lucky to be alive.
Kader, who is Jewish, jumped at the opportunity to host a Syrian family, who is Muslim, for the holiday.
"We don't pass out religious beliefs," Kader said. "They are caught in a political situation that is unspeakable really."
Eid Darweesh, his wife and their children barely made it out of Syria. They're thankful to be in the Valley after losing many family members back home. They're thankful strangers opened their doors and welcomed them in during a difficult time of transition.
"I had someone say to my husband, 'Well aren't you worried they are going to do something,'" said Kader.
That thought disgusted her, considering the meaning behind the tradition of Thanksgiving.