TEMPE — A judge ruled in favor of a retirement community, saying that the Shady Park concert venue must lower its noise level in Tempe. Some Shady Park customers got noisy Friday to voice their displeasure.
"Everybody loves us," shouted one protester.
Love for Shady Park flowed down the streets of Tempe.
"It's their community. They've been here. Even though they are only young people, and I am an old guy, they have that right because they come here, go to that venue to listen to music and have fun," said protester Ronnie McCoy.
More than a hundred Shady Park fans made noise protesting a judge's decision made Wednesday, ordering the venue to lower its noise levels and end concerts earlier.
Mirabella at ASU sued Shady Park seeking a quieter and calmer neighbor.
"This venue has been here for so many years and they put a building like this. They think, now just because they live here, they should shut this down," added McCoy.
The venue was on University Drive first. Mirabella at ASU moved in during the pandemic while the venue was closed for COVID-related restrictions.
Mirabella at ASU issued a statement Wednesday, saying in part, "This ruling provides relief to Mirabella residents and the surrounding community who have been harmed by Shady Park's excessive noise."
But, Mirabella did not respond to ABC15's request for a comment on Friday's protests.
Shady Park also had no comment. Many in the Tempe community did.
"I was especially shocked because, as Shady Park has pointed out countless times, they have never received a noise violation citation from the city," said protester Ant Airdo.
Airdo organized a protest, earlier in the day, when he and other musicians played loud music near the doors of Mirabella at ASU.
"I am part of the music community in Tempe. I don't think age has anything to do with your appreciation of music and freedom to have the music played where the venue wants to play it," said protester Paul Dorman.