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Tempe police investigating 'peeping Tom' outside of woman's apartment

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TEMPE, AZ — Tempe police are investigating after a woman's doorbell camera captured video of a man appearing to watch her through her bedroom window earlier this week.

A parent reached out to ABC15 after the incident at an apartment complex in central Tempe.

The video, which was captured on Ring camera, shows a man stopping near a window around 2:30 Tuesday morning. According to the timestamps on the video, the man stands and watches through the window for about an hour.

Kylie Vermillion, who was in the room, says she fell asleep around midnight, exhausted from work. The next day, after getting a Ring Cam alert, the 22-year-old and her roommate discovered the footage and reported the incident to Tempe Police.

“I’ve been terrified the last few days,” Vermillion said. “I’ve had nightmares that people are watching me. Just looking around at my jobs, on the street, scared that someone is going to follow me.”

The victim's family is concerned that the man could appear again — or do something even worse. They have shared the video on neighborhood groups and social media, hoping to spread the word and hopefully locate the person responsible.

Tempe police say the video appears to be "legitimate," and the investigation is ongoing. They are also looking into what appears to be a tool in the man’s hand.

Police say in the last year, there have only been six documented ‘peeping Tom’ cases, but these incidents often go underreported. They are looking at previous reports to compare any patterns to the most recent case involving Vermillion.

Anyone who recognizes the man in the doorbell cam footage is asked to contact Tempe Police.