A Phoenix woman is on a mission to save the last pet shop in Tempe that sells puppies and kittens.
"I feel like the odds are stacked against me to be," said Barbara Allen.
Allen says pet shops are under attack. She says a new ordinance being considered in Tempe, will put the shops out of business, for good.
"There has to be a better way to address the problem and stop puppy mills," said Allen.
Allen's passion comes from her dog Lilly, her 2-year-old teacup Chihuahua, which was purchased at a pet store.
She's giving the Tempe City Council a piece of her mind, which bans the sales of dogs and cats from puppy mills or large scale commercial breeders.
"There's a lot of consumer protection aspects here," said Tempe Councilwoman Lauren Kuby.
"The dogs that leave pet shops tend to have more behavioral problems and more health problems," added Kuby.
Kuby says pet shops are notorious for selling dogs and cats from puppy mills and large scale breeders, rife with critical care violations.
She even demanded one Tempe pet shop hand over documentation to prove otherwise.
"We asked for evidence that there were that they were reputable breeders he gave us a list, he gave us a list we found one third violation had USDA violations," said Kuby.
Meantime, Barbara says the ordinance, if passed, will force breeders to sell online, creating a black market for pets.
The ordinance is up for a vote on February 11.