The family of a man struck by lightning says they can do nothing now but hope.
"It's just a matter of waiting and praying that he does wake up," says Sarah Torres.
Torres' brother Jamie Santana was hit by lightning while riding his horse near Buckeye on Saturday.
Alex Torres was with Santana when he was struck. Torres says the lightning bolt killed Santana's horse and threw him to the ground.
Now in intensive care, doctors say Santana's injuries are so severe they don't know how badly he might be hurt--or if he will survive.
"Imagine getting thrown off of a 50 story building, everything gets hurt. Your body is based on electricity and water so everything goes haywire, " said Dr. Sydney Vail.
But while it's too early to tell if Santana will survive, family members say they have seen some encouraging signs.
"This morning I put holy water on hHis forehead and he started crying," said Sarah Torres.