BUCKEYE, AZ — Buckeye Police Department and Silent Witness continue to search for information about the killing of Anaiah Walker, a teenager who was found dead in 2020.

"An unimaginable amount of pain and mourning that has happened, because my daughter went from missing to dead," says Sherika Rhymes, Anaiah's mother.
Walker was found on the Interstate 10 median near Watson Road in May 2020. Investigators believe the 16-year-old had been struck by a vehicle because car parts were left at the scene.
Police determined the suspect vehicle was likely a 2016 to 2018 Honda Civic LX or LE with factory color “midnight burgundy pearl.”
"You left as if my daughter was trash... and she belonged to me and I loved her very much," says Sherika.
Buckeye’s police chief recently increased the reward so Silent Witness is now offering a reward of up to $12,000, the department said Wednesday.
Walker's family initially told ABC15 she was a victim of sex trafficking and had been trying to get her life back on track.
"She's a victim; she's being trafficked at 16 years old, right. It's just a heartbreaking situation," says Chief Larry Hall, Buckeye Police Department.
Walker was enrolled in a special program for sex trafficking victims and was in state custody when she escaped from the group home she was living in. Her sister Nackiya Stewart says Walker had been afraid for her life.
"At this point, I have more... I have more hurt and pain, then anger. I have more unknown questions, then answers," says Sherika.
The family has this message for her killer:
"You hold a very large piece to the puzzle of our family's healing and understanding what happened and just, Anaiah receiving the justice she deserves," says Sherika.
Anyone with information on this case is urged to call 480-WITNESS (480-TESTIGO for Spanish speakers) to remain anonymous and potentially be eligible for a cash reward.