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Bull or No Bull: We put the Stick N Click light to the test!

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Today, I'm testing out a product called Stick N Click. It's supposed to add quick and easy light anywhere. So, I'll let you know if it's Bull or No Bull!

Our package came with three lights, and each requires three AAA batteries. I joked, "Talk about being power-hungry!" (I'm kidding.)

There were no instructions, but it was simple to figure out. The first step -- twist open the back of one single Stick N Click light. Then, I put in all three AAA batteries, and closed the back.

After it's locked into place, we decided that before we stick, we want to test out the click!

Simply push down the center of the front of the Stick N Click light, and it will shine bright. Let there be light! It worked!

Then, it was time to remove the sticky cover.

Since it can go anywhere, I stuck it on the wall inside our coat closet, so we can have some extra light.

Just stick, and click! It definitely added a little light, and you can see that in our video showing the before and after shots.

Heads up! When you remove the Stick N Click light, you could pull some paint off the wall. Ours slightly did.

Another claim is that it can be used as a flashlight. I turned out all the lights and held a regular flashlight up to my face as if I was about to tell a scary story. Then, I did the same with the Stick N Click. The brightness is noticeably different. I also shined the two lights on the wall. The regular flashlight was much brighter and threw light onto a wider area than the Stick N Click.

We also did a comparison using my iPhone flashlight versus the Stick N Click. There was still a big difference. The phone light was brighter and broader.

However, the Stick N Click gives off decent lighting for smaller spaces like drawers or cabinets.

Plus, the Stick N Click lives up to the claim of being easy to install. No tools required!

The Stick N Click is also supposed to give you up to 100 hours of light on a single set of batteries. We did not test that claim.

We bought the Stick N Click on Amazon for $12.64. It's important to note that the current prices may have changed since when we bought ours.

So, where does it rank on our Bull or No Bull Meter? I'm going with... NO BULL!

If you give it a try, let me know what you think! What products do you want me to try before you buy? I would love to hear from you!