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Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar under self-quarantine over coronavirus fears

Paul Gosar blasts siblings who endorsed opponent
Posted at 6:36 PM, Mar 08, 2020

PRESCOTT, AZ — Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar announced Sunday that he is under self-quarantine after coming in contact with an individual who has tested positive for the coronavirus.

In a statement issued Sunday evening, Gosar, who represents Arizona's 4th District, said, “I have been informed that during the CPAC conference members of my staff and I came into contact with an individual who has since tested positive for, and is hospitalized for, COVID-19. I was with the individual for an extended period of time, and we shook hands several times."

Gosar went on to say he and his staff members are not experiencing any symptoms, but in order to prevent any potential transmission, he is going to remain at home in Arizona for a 14-day period following his contact with the confirmed patient. The congressman said he is also closing his office in Washington, D.C. for the week. He said his team will be telecommuting instead.

Gosar said he has been in contact with the CDC and the House Office of the Attending Physician.


Gosar's announcement comes shortly after Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, announced that he is self-quarantining himself after learning that he too had interacted with someone who tested positive with COVID-19 at last week's CPAC Conference.