Arizona's 11 members of the electoral college can vote for whomever they like.
Since Donald Trump won Arizona, it's the Republican's people who will cast those ballots on December 19th, but thousands of people are asking those 11 members to not vote Republican.
One of the state's electoral college members has a Republican man cave filled with GOP memorabilia and history. And now, Trump has been added to those walls.
His e-mail has been bombarded with thousands of messages from people begging him to not vote for the president-elect. He says e-mails are urging him to vote for anyone, including Hillary Clinton.
"Nothing will switch my vote for Hillary Clinton," he said. "I have never voted for a Democrat for president of the United States and I have no intention of doing it, as long as I'm alive."
An Arizona Republican Party spokesman said all 11 of Arizona's electoral college voters are seeing similar calls and emails. Some messages are even sent to their work addresses.
ABC15 asked Gutier what he thinks about Clinton winning the popular vote.
"Well, the system is made that electoral college elects the president, not the popular vote."
Arizona has 11 electoral college ballots to cast in December, and it takes 270 to become president of the United States.