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DATA: Arizona homelessness numbers compared to other states

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PHOENIX — This past year, the number of people experiencing homelessness rose to levels not recorded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Each year in January, a point-in-time count of the nation’s homeless population is done. It’s widely considered imperfect, but the most reliable practical method available.

This year the point-in-time count estimated 653,104 people experiencing homelessness across the U.S. This is a 12% increase in the estimate taken the year prior. Over a quarter-million of people counted were considered unsheltered, or not living in a temporary shelter — a 65% increase from last year. HUD also estimated a little over 111,000 people experiencing homelessness were minors, a 57% increase.

Point-in-time estimates have risen steadily since 2018. This past year represents the highest estimate since record-keeping began in 2007. Arizona follows a similar pattern as the national numbers, but estimates hit record levels in 2009.

This year, 14,237 people experiencing homelessness were counted in the state.

A slight 5% increase from last year’s count. About 7,600 of these individuals were unsheltered, a 5% decline. Over 3,000 people counted, experienced chronic patterns of homelessness, defined by HUD as a person living in a temporary shelter or a place not meant for human habitation for at least 12 months.

This was a 2% decline from the estimate made in 2021. Another vulnerable population, unaccompanied minors experiencing homelessness, was estimated at 782, a drop of 14%.

Compared to other states, Arizona ranks fourth for the share of unsheltered homeless within the overall population. The states with the highest unsheltered population are all found on the western side of the United States including California, Oregon, and Hawaii — states where the unsheltered homeless population is above 60% of the total.

Arizona and Nevada rounded out the top five and were both states where unsheltered homeless were most of the homeless population.

Other rankings for Arizona include the fourth-highest overall homeless population. The state ranks eighth for the number of homeless veterans as well as those experiencing chronic homelessness. Arizona remains in the top ten for the number of homeless unaccompanied minors. The estimate with the lowest figures compared to other states was the number of families experiencing homelessness.

Arizona ranked sixteenth.