

Every 32 hours someone is murdered in Arizona


The Arizona crime clock represents an annual ratio of crime during a 24-hour day.

It is compiled by the Arizona Department of Public Safety and based on 2014 Crime statistics.

In a 24-hour period during 2014, there was:

1 Murder

7 Rapes

17 Robberies

41 Aggravated Assaults

110 Burglaries

399 Thefts

43 Vehicle Thefts

3 Arsons

In 2014, someone was murdered in Arizona an average of every 32 hours, 9 minutes.

  • The deadliest months were June and October, with 33 murders each. November had the fewest with 14.
  • The deadliest day of the week was Wednesday, with 64 murders. Tuesday was the safest with 32.
  • The deadliest time of day was between 6 p.m. and 2 a.m., with 102 murders. The safest time of day was between 2 a.m. and 10 a.m. as only 67 people were killed during that time.
  • One more statistic we found interesting; the total value of property stolen from murder victims was $148,175 or  an average of $557 per homicide.

Putting it in perspective

From 2010 to 2014, there was a downward trend in homicides in Arizona. Men dominate as murder victims, but notice that in 2012 the number of women victims and percentage of women as overall victims grew.

Throughout all four years, we see the victims are consistently young people ages 20-35.


FYI: For the purpose of this report

Murder is defined as the willful killing of one person by another. As a general rule, any death due to injuries received in a fight, argument, quarrel, assault, or commission of a crime would be included. Suicides, traffic fatalities, accidental deaths, negligent manslaughter, and justifiable homicides are not counted under this classification.