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Cops vs. teachers basketball game raises money for Special Olympics Arizona


The stage was set inside Mountain Ridge High School's gymnasium Friday morning.

By noon, Glendale police officers were shedding their badges for jerseys and facing off against the school's staff on the basketball court to raise money for a worthy cause.

“Every dollar helps and every donation is something we’re grateful for,” said Klaudia Trennepohl with Glendale PD.

The Traffic Services Department Officer says she and a colleague were looking for a way to support the Special Olympics when they had an idea.

“We sat down, and we thought what about a basketball game, cops versus staff at every high school in Glendale or at least as many as we could get to participate,” said Trennepohl.

Nine schools jumped at the opportunity. As fans poured into the gym, they collected hundreds of dollars in donations at the door. Money raised through concession purchases throughout the game will go 100% to the cause.

“I kind of have to be like those parents where they have the half jerseys,” said Mountain Ridge School Resource Officer Forrest Flanagin.

While Officer Flanagin will split his allegiance today, there’s no question where he stands on the Special Olympics thanks to a relationship with a very accomplished athlete at the high school named Carly Ogden.

“She’s very decorated, she’s won a lot of medals,” said Flanagin. “She’s a perfect example of why the Special Olympics are so important.”

He isn’t kidding, competing in the Special Olympics since she was 10, the high school senior has racked up more than 25 medals and even met Olympic great Michael Phelps.

Her parents say the real reward, however, is the transformation they’ve seen in their daughter, born with Down syndrome, beaming confidence and finding a place of belonging she never had before.

“When you see your kid that happy and they’re that proud of themselves I mean what else can you really ask for in life,” said her mother, Heather. “All the parents, all the athletes, it really is a family.”

"This is where she makes lifelong friends just like we did growing up in sports,” said her dad, Kevin.

Back on the court, both sides put on a show. The Suns gorilla even made an appearance delivering a special gift to Carly at halftime. It included Suns swag and tickets to a game.

While there was a trophy for the victor of the game which ended in a tie, the big winner was clearly the incredible athletes who take so much pride in competing in the Special Olympics.