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Good Samaritan officiates wedding of Phoenix man he saved

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PHOENIX — On August 31, 2017, Mark Child left his job in Phoenix with tightness in his chest.

"It started out a normal day but very quickly started changing," said Child. "I made it two miles down the road, I pulled into an O’Reilly Auto Parts parking lot, I got out of my car, and as soon as I walked to the front of the car, I collapsed with a heart attack.”

An employee noticed Child and ran to get help. That is when a customer at the store ran over.

“I ran over to him and there was no pulse and he was going from gray to grayer and then I began CPR on him,” said John Fitzpatrick.

Moments later, the fire department arrived.

"You realize life can change in a split second for people,” said Fitzpatrick.

Child was rushed to the hospital and straight into surgery.

"After surgery, they induced a coma for 10 days, they lowered my body temperature and told Michelle I only had a 5% chance to live,” said Child.

His then-girlfriend Michelle was greeted by a nurse and a preacher.

“We didn't have good odds in the hospital but I never... went down that road. I said, 'we are going to save him,'” said Michelle.

As Child began his long road to recovery, they learned about what Fitzpatrick had done. Once out of the hospital, they arranged a meeting.

“It was great. We did it at a restaurant - I remember as soon as he walked in I just grabbed him and I didn't let go. If he hadn't done the right thing... I wouldn't be here today,” said Child.

Earlier this month, Child and Michelle decided to get married.

“He asked me to come to the wedding and I said sure and then he asked me, 'will you perform the wedding?' And I said, 'Well you gotta give me a day to think that over,'” said Fitzpatrick.

Fitzpatrick ultimately officiated the couple's wedding.

"It was the biggest honor of all. The man responsible for me being here is the man that officiated our wedding,” said Child.

Two lives forever changed by one moment, now bonded together for life.

“He is our angel and now part of the family,” said Child.

You can learn more and find a CPR course near you at