SCOTTSDALE, AZ — “You have your vaccine card?” asked Krystal Pope to her father, Bruce.
“Here it is right here,” said Bruce pulling it from a cabinet.
Bruce Pope and his daughter Krystal bonded over the need for boosters on Thursday.
“Most daughters do father-daughter dancing, but we’ll go get some shots and not the kind of shots you’re thinking of,” said Krystal with a laugh.
“I think I’m gonna let you go first once we get there, just see the reaction on your face,” responded Bruce.
While the pandemic has torn many families apart, it’s also brought some, like the Pope’s, closer together.
“Time spent at home with family, was really great, it was like hey, you get to see what people are up to, you get to talk to them a little bit better and longer and you’re not rushing out of the house to go do anything cause there’s nothing to do,” said Bruce.
On this day however, they were in a rush and did it together, deciding to receive their third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine side-by-side.

“I think he’s the one who inspires such a strong work ethic for me, even though I don’t tell him all the time,” said Krystal with a smile.
Now 66 and pre-diabetic, Bruce is choosing to boost his antibodies after recently retiring from the Mayo Clinic. Krystal, who worked on a cruise ship pre-pandemic, adding to her protection as well as she considers returning to the industry.
The CDC recently recommend everyone receive a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as studies have shown the vaccine does wane over time.
Bruce and Krystal were able to schedule their shots at the same time at a nearby CVS pharmacy in Scottsdale. At the end of the day, they hope to inspire others to laugh away their doubts with someone they love, something there was plenty of as they received their doses.
“Just to have that camaraderie also someone there to pick you up if you fall out of the chair,” said Bruce with a chuckle. “I’m so glad we did it together."
It’s all part of an effort to provide the support someone may need to get vaccinated.