PHOENIX – Sea Life Aquarium in Tempe is a massive interactive aquarium with fish and sharks, but there’s even more happening behind the scenes.
Skylar Snowden is a curator at Sea Life. She spends her time not only caring for all the creatures at Sea Life but also saving endangered coral. “It just never gets old. I’m so passionate about the sea and doing everything I can to help,” says Skylar.
Coral reefs make up less than 2% of life in the ocean but 25% of creatures depend on coral reefs for life.
The Sea Life team, including Skylar, are headed to Curacao to effort coral preservation, but they’re also making a big difference in Tempe. Skylar clips off small branches of coral parents to create new parents. She says this coral could be all that’s left if coral in the ocean continues to be endangered.
Check out Sea Life’s coral and the rest of their creatures Monday through Sunday. Tickets are available for purchase online.