

High school football coach schedules snow day workout: Shoveling driveways of those in need

High school football team shovels snow
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Football players at Bethel Park High School in Pittsburgh typically meet in the workout room at 9 a.m. But when school is closed, they take their workout to the neighborhood.

When a massive winter storm dumped several inches of snow on Pittsburgh Monday, coach Brian DeLallo tweeted to tell his players that their daily workout had been canceled. Instead, they were to find an elderly or disabled neighbor and shovel their driveway.

"Due to expected severe weather, Monday's weightlifting workout has been cancelled. Find an elderly or disabled neighbor and shovel their driveway. Don't accept any money - that's our Monday workout," he tweeted.

"It's great to see the kids buy-in and get out there," DeLallo said. "They'll shovel all morning and then, hopefully, they'll go sled riding in the afternoon and get to be kids."

Members of the Black Hawk football team said they were happy to help.

"It is nice getting out here at helping the community," tackle Braedon Del Duca said.

Del Duca and teammate Colton Pfeuffer said the "workout" gave them a chance to thank the community for their support. One homeowner thanked the boys by promising to make a donation to the school's football program.

"It's about community. We talk about in our program all the time, so this is another chance we have to go out and interact with our community in a positive way and show them that they're important to us," DeLallo said.