The Arizona Cardinals and the University of Phoenix have the best playing turf in the National Football League, according to Sports Illustrated.
The magazine says it used "past player rankings, insight for current players and details from groundskeepers," to formulate its rankings.
Sports Illustrated says of the stadium: “You’ll hear very little argument about who holds the top spot for the best field in the NFL. Sure, Arizona has plenty of sunshine and can grow a healthy amount of Tifway 419 Bermuda grass, but more importantly, the Cardinals have the pleasure of rolling the field outside the stadium. The entire playing surface is retractable, in one giant tray, allowing the turf to grow and get maintained outside the stadium, coming inside only for NFL football games. And with a groundskeeping staff doing a stellar job with the turf, Arizona earns the top spot.”
Sports Illustrated also says, the University of Phoenix has ranked #1 in every National Football League Player's Association survey since the field opened in 2006.
To see the full list of top 10 fields, visit the Sports Illustrated website.