

Brexit cost Arizona State alum Phil Mickelson a lot of money at the British Open


This isn't a political hot take on whether the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union will ultimately be a good or a bad thing.

Rather, this is simply an interesting -- and for Arizona State alum Phil Mickelson, a depressing -- fact that will add to Mickelson's frustration of finishing in second place at yet another major PGA tournament.

On Sunday, Mickelson had one of the best rounds of golf of his 24-year pro career, and he still came short of winning what would have been his second British Open championship.

It was the 11th second-place finish in a major in the career of a man who has been a bridesmaid far more often than he's been the bride.

But it gets worse.

Yes, Mickelson paycheck for finishing second is still significantly more than most people make in a year. But that check was substantially less than it would have been a month ago, thanks to the UK's "Brexit" vote on June 23.

Indeed, the British Pound has taken a nosedive since that vote that it has yet to recover from. And while Brexit's proponents believe the Pound will ultimately become stronger due to that vote, that won't help Mickelson recover what would have been an extra chunk of change he would certainly like to have.