Eastbound Interstate 10 has partially reopened at the Gila River Bridge after multiple closures due to roadway damage.
The eastbound lanes were shut down at Riggs Road early Tuesday morning due to a “bridge issue” that was determined to be exposed rebar on the roadway. Another closure overnight Tuesday into Wednesday was put in place while crews made the repairs.
One lane reopened Wednesday around 6 a.m., while the second lane will stay closed as concrete repairs cure, Arizona Department of Transportation officials said.
The speed limit in this work zone has been reduced to 35 miles per hour and drivers should expect delays.
ADOT told ABC15 Tuesday: "An area of the eastbound I-10 Gila River Bridge's concrete deck has worn through to the underlying rebar. The issue is affecting one lane of the two-lane bridge. ADOT personnel have placed a metal plate to clear residual traffic. Engineers will inspect the bridge before traffic is restored. This issue is unrelated to the current project to replace the I-10 Gila River Bridges with modern, three-lane spans."

Westbound lanes were not impacted.
Check current traffic conditions here.
The ABC15 Investigators took a look at the bridge’s safety rating.
The Federal Highway Administration rates a bridge’s condition in one of three categories: Poor, Fair or Good.
The Gila River Bridge is rated as “fair.”