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WATCH: Waste Not, ASU partner to teach the community how to waste less food

Arizona is among the states that waste the most food, 2023 study shows
vegetables farm cauliflower AP

According to a 2023 poll, Arizona is one of the states that wastes the most food. Each American household wastes more than six cups of food each week, adding up to $310 billion each year.

Waste Not, a local organization with a mission of creating sustainable food systems, and Arizona State University want to change that.

The partners hosted their first-ever workshop on Friday teaching the public about ways to save food and waste less.

ABC15 Meteorologist Ashlee DeMartino spoke with experts from the event and what we can do at home, at work, and at community events to Impact Earth in a positive way. Learn more in the video player above.

See more of ABC15's Impact Earth coverage here.